Founded in 2013, our beginnings were simple. A mother daughter duo who wanted to cook and document their journey through the inspiration of family recipes and new favorites. We created a You-Tube channel of recipe videos. The goal was to bring beauty into the kitchen with a warm approachable feel. Each video is only 2-4 minutes long; keeping it simple and easy to follow. We want our recipes to be inspiration and for people to gain the confidence to create on their own.
It was quickly brought to light that we were consistently reaching for a pinch of our favorite fleur de sel with almost every dish. Our audience began to ask what type of salt we were using and if it truly made a difference. The answer was always the same; yes. Cooking with a good salt makes all the difference in enhancing the flavors of the food we eat. A pinch of our hand harvested fleur de sel is soft, light, and gives a slight crunch. It adds everything you desire out of a salt without the salty-burn that over powers our taste buds with some other salts.
We knew this all to be true, but with a little research we also began to learn the health benefits and realized we had to share this two-fold win with our followers. The artisan quality of this fleur de sel and it’s amazing flavor is one of a kind and truly the best.
Over the few years we have grown so much and learned so much about finishing salts and our desire to bring awareness to them in modern, approachable way with the strong traditions of France. We urge you to follow along with us on social and our email list for updates and new product launches!
Please share your love for great food with us!
Jess, Terri